Come and see!

On Tuesday nights at the moment we are running a course that explores the Christian faith. It is called Alpha. We start at 7:30pm with dessert and then watch a talk and have a discussion with a cup of tea. All finished by 9:15pm. You are very welcome to join us in the Church Hall on Church Street.

Family Fun Movie Night!

Join us this Friday 10 November at 6pm in the Church Hall on Church Street, Amberley for a fun night of family entertainment. You bring your takeaways and we’ll provide the movie snacks. We are watching The Greatest Showman – a fun musical story about the circus and acceptance with a little love story thrown in! It would be awesome for you to join us.

Rev Meg would love to meet you!

Reverend Meg Harvey, Vicar of Amberley Parish since August 2022, is settling in to the role and into the township of Amberley where she now lives. As a parish, our spirits are rising as we look forward to Christmas and we continue to enjoy the freedom to gather together in the post-lockdown world. We look forward to welcoming back all our old regulars, plus anyone who hasn’t been to church for a while (or rarely/never), and all visitors, newcomers, holiday-makers, and passers-by.

Whoever you are, you are most welcome.

Please see the “Church Services” menu above for church service dates and times. This is updated each month.

Good Friday and Easter Sunday

A quiet service to reflect on the Stations of the Cross will be held at 9.30am on Good Friday (15 April 2022) at Holy Innocents Church, Amberley. This will use a series of images on screen combined with short readings and prayers to help us go deeper into solemn reflection on the passion of our Lord Jesus.

At 9.30am on Easter Sunday, we gather again to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus in a service of Holy Communion, with guest presider and preacher Rev’d Felicity O’Brien. There will be activities offered for any children attending. This service will be followed by morning tea in the parish hall.

Parish news in brief

A fond farewell… a winter break from evening family services… and a warm welcome to our new Priest in Charge. Read more…

At the end of June we farewelled our Vicar the Reverend Stephanie Clay as she left after an association with us of five years to take up a new role as Chaplain of St Margaret’s College, Christchurch. Rev’d Steph goes with our love and blessings – for herself and her family, and our gratitude for all she had given and achieved in the parish.

What with winter nights closing in early and the cold weather, we have put our 4.30pm Family Service on hold for now. Watch this space (and the parish Facebook page) in the Spring, when we hope to resume these relaxed family-friendly services.

From 1st August we welcome our interim Priest in Charge, Reverend Canon Mandy Neil. Many parishioners have already had the pleasure of meeting Rev’d Mandy this week as she was called on before her official starting date to conduct a funeral in the parish. It’s great to have you with us, Mandy!